Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling Short Course
I have taught an 11-day Bayesian hierarchical modeling course with Tom Hobbs and Mary Collins each summer at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center in Annapolis, Maryland from 2015-2020. Our course was geared towards faculty, postdoctoral and graduate students, and scientists from tribal, state, and federal agencies. We provided a principles-based understanding of Bayesian methods needed to train students, evaluate papers and proposals, and solve research problems. We found that tools and practices often used for reproducible science, such as code repositories, version control, and digital notebooks, add considerable value to teaching complex subjects. Given this, we have made our course materials, as well their underlying code, publicy available under the GNU GPLv3 license. Effectively teaching Bayesian statistics to students with diverse backgrounds in a short space of time is quite hard. If you find errors, big or small, please let me know so I can correct them. Also, please consider submitting a pull request after making significant changes to the course materials so we can benefit from your improvements.